Plantar Wart Treatment Myths, Legends and Very Mild Podiatry Super Powers

Podiatry Super Powers Zaps Plantar Warts

Warts gone with very mild suer podiatry powers!We’ve done something amazing… We got rid of a plantar wart that had been causing problems for a lovely hairdresser for ages… 20 years to be precise! That’s right. Not a few weeks or months. Not even a year or two, but twenty.  whole.  years.

As a hairdresser she needs to be on her feet long hours every day. And for twenty years she’d been in discomfort or pain every day with that darn wart on the sole of her foot.  Now, finally she’s free. After twenty years, she can work, walk, shop and do all the normal things in life without that painful plantar wart. Several treatments over a few months and it’s gone. 

What causes plantar warts and why are they so much bother? 

Well, plantar warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). It’s one of the most common skin infections around. They may be ugly and nobody really likes having warts. Plantar warts usually disappear in a few weeks or months. However, warts on the sole of your feet can make walking or standing uncomfortable and painful. They can ulcerate and become infected, they can grow and spread, and very rarely they can become malignant.

What treatments are available for plantar warts?

The aim of plantar wart treatments is to destroy as much of the wart as possible without damaging any unaffected tissue or creating scars. There are many of different options to treat plantar warts. No treatment is 100% guaranteed successful.

Some home made plantar wart ‘cures’ are a little bit pixy dust but they are low cost or free and they may work for you:

  • Wait and wish them away. No harm in trying this one!
  • Banana peel
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Milk from a thistle

If the suburban myths and home made cures aren’t getting rid of your plantar warts we have several treatment options that are more reliable. Depending on the number and size of your plantar warts, several visits may be needed.

  • Acid
  • Medical microwave
  • Laser

It’s always best to have plantar warts checked early. Other skin conditions can cause lumps and bumps that look like warts but are not and the treatment is very different depending on the cause. We can help keep you comfortable with regular treatments to make standing and walking comfortable, and also offer a range of different treatments for permanent removal of plantar warts that are growing, spreading or making you uncomfortable. 

Farewell Emma!

Photo by James Padolsey on Unsplash

Farewell Emma! Have fun!

Emma has been offered an amazing opportunity… a Canadian scholarship with living allowance! Well deserved! Sadly for us that means she’s leaving for cooler climes and some hoped for husky adventures.

We will miss your wonderful warm smile Emma and we all wish you the very best for your Canadian semester and beyond! 

Foot Pain, Pins and Needles, Numbness?

painful feet mortons neuroma pins and needles in your feet

Pain at the front of your feet is a common problem that can make standing or walking uncomfortable. Discomfort can range from mild  pain to pins and needles, numbness, tingling and intense burning or pain. Very active people and some older people are more likely to suffer with forefoot pain. 

Two common forefoot problems are metatarsalgia, a common painful overuse injury caused by inflammation in the ball of the foot and Mortons neuroma, caused by irritation and inflammation of a nerve in the front of your foot. As well as pain, Morton’s neuroma may cause pins and needles, tingling, intense burning sensations or numbness. 

As with other biomechanical injuries, metatarsalgia and Moretons neuroma may be the result of abnormal foot alignment. This causes inefficient motion, overuse of key joints and tendons, inflammation and pain. Left untreated, this can lead to chronic inflammation and pain, so early assessment and appropriate treatment is always recommended.

Footwear First Aid for Forefoot Pain

Good shoes that fit well are always first aid for painful foot problems such as Mortons neuroma and metatarsalgia. Feet are often squeezed into shoes that are way too tight and narrow. Poorly fitting shoes can irritate delicate nerves and joints in the front of your foot.  Sometimes fixing your foot pain, pins and needles or numbness can be as simple as changing your footwear. Our podiatrists can assist you with advice about correct shoes style and fit for your foot type and activity level. A new pair of roomy shoes may be all you need to say goodbye to your forefoot pain.

Extra Help for Your Painful Feet 

Don’t put up with painful feet. Some people delay seeking help, hoping their foot pain will go away. However, it’s very difficult to rest your feet long enough to allow the irritation and inflammation of the hardworking tendons in feet to settle. Chronic irritation can take much longer to resolve and in some rare and severe cases, cortisone injections or surgery may be necessary. To avoid invasive and costly interventions such as these, early intervention is definitely best. 

Rest and ice can help relieve the pain of metatarsalgia and Moreton’s neuroma. Other treatment options such as prescription orthotics, padding, ultrasound & anti-inflammatories may also be useful. Prescription orthotics realign your foot function, correct your foot movement and improve the function and comfort of your feet. It’s not a quick fix as feet are difficult to rest and it may take six to eight weeks for the inflamed tendons to settle.  

If you have foot pain, tingling, pins and needles or numbness that makes walking or standing uncomfortable call Feet First Podiatry. Our friendly podiatrists are always happy to answer your questions and help you get back to all the things in life you enjoy… pain free.

Contact your friendly Feet First team on (08) 9319 3030, or you can book an appointment online 27/4 at

Call 9319 3030 or book online 24/7  http://www.perth

Heel Pain: Why Do Your Heels Hurt?

Heel pain is one of the most common bio-mechanical problems people ask us about. Heel pain can affect anyone from all stages and walks of life. Heel pain can  limit your daily activities and in severe cases can be quite debilitating. The key is always seeking sound advice early to prevent chronic pain.

Heel Pain: Why Do Your Heels Hurt? 1

Heel pain affects people from all walks of life

People with Increased Risk of Heel Pain

Some people have an increased risk of heel pain:

  • People who are on their feet for long periods of time: Some occupations require long hours standing or walking e.g. teachers, trades, hospitality and retail.
  • Physically active people: High impact sports and gym activities can contribute to or cause heel pain.
  • Pregnant women: Hormonal changes soften ligaments and tendons. The extra weight carried during and after pregnancy plus this hormonally induced stretch can change the way your feet function and cause heel pain 
  • Children who’s feet are still growing and developing: Children are vulnerable to heel pain during periods of rapid growth, especially if they are very active.
  • People who are overweight: Part of everyone’s health routine is keeping active. People who are overweight place extra strain on their feet and we can help with some strategies to help you lose weight and stay comfortable while you are active.

As you can see, there are many different reasons you may suffer from heel pain. To get you back on track pain free needs a clear understanding of the underlying  issue, knowledge, skill, experience and patience. We promise to always do our very best for you. We listen to your medical history, perform a detailed physical examination, bio-mechanical tests and gait analysis. We will refer you for x-rays or diagnostic ultrasounds if needed to help pin point the cause of your pain.

Once we fully understand the cause of your pain, we will help you get your feet back in tip top condition through a range of treatments. Depending on your activity level, occupation and the cause of your heel pain, we might suggest a range of treatments.

Reasons for Heel Pain

  • Poorly fitted shoes: So many foot problems are caused by shoes! We can help you chose shoes that fit well and help resolve your painful heels. Always bring your shoes to your first appointment so we can assess your current footwear and suggest what to look for, how to lace or other tips and tricks to make your footwear fit well and feel comfortable.
  • Injuries to your heel area such as stress fractures 
  • Abnormal walking styles: Our podiatrists are skilled at assessing and treating bio-mechanical disorders. 
  • Nerve enlargement (neuroma): A serious problem if not treated well early
  • Arthritis: We can assist with a range of treatments to keep you comfortable and moibile
  • Diabetes: Diabetes Australia recommend you have your feet checked by a podiatrist at least every six months and more often if your diabetes is not well controlled or you are very active
  • Obesity and weight issues: Keeping active helps you keep you within a healthy weight range. So ask us for help today! 
  • Plantar fasciitis: One of the most common heel pains we see every day. 
  • Severs Disease: Growing children who are very active may suffer this heel pain especially if they are involved in high impact sports

Heel Pain Treatment

  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Flexibility exercises
  • Splints
  • Prescription orthotics
  • Strapping
  • Foot massage
We want to give you rapid relief from heel pain and assist your full recovery so you can get back to doing all the things you love… pain free.
We’re always happy to help, so call our friendly team today on (08) 9319 3030 or book online at

Painful Ingrown Nails: Is Surgery the Answer?

It’s ingrown nail season again. High impact sports like football and netball are causing some toes to come to grief and cold weather means you’re squeezing your poor feet back into closed shoes. We all know someone who has had a painful in grown nail, or perhaps you have experienced one yourself. If you have sought medical advice about ingrown nails, you may have have been offered advice about having nail surgery. You may be apprehensive about this option.  However, benefits of this minor procedure generally out weigh any inconveniences. 

Painful Ingrown Nails: Is Surgery the Answer? 2

Some benefits include: 

  • Permanent results: There is an accepted regrowth rate of around 10%, but 90% permanent fix rate is pretty good isn’t it?
  • Cost effective: Compared with regular ongoing podiatry treatments to keep your nail pain free. 
  • Pain relief: Minor discomfort for the procedure V.S. ongoing pain and possible need for antibiotics
  • Simple and straight forward: Our podiatrists help people like you every week with this minor procedure
  • Fast healing time: You’ll be able to walk, drive and do most light normal activities straight away. After three weeks you’ll be back at the gym and dancing again. 
  • You can wear ALL your favourite shoes again! Well almost : ) What can we say… we’re podiatrists and we care more about your feet than you do. But what the hey! Put those party shoes on again!

You’ll be so much more comfortable after the surgery has been performed. Not only will your feet thank you, but you will be able to enjoy all the pleasures of life again without the pain of your ingrown nail.

We understand that nail surgery may seem a daunting prospect, but it is a minor procedure that our practitioners use every week to permanently relieve the pain of recurring ingrown nails. Our podiatrists understand that you may be a little nervous about needles so we always make sure you are as comfortable as possible. 

If nail surgery is not advised or if you want to time your nail surgery between sporting seasons or events we also offer non-surgical options to manage your ingrown nail and keep you comfortable until you are ready to go ahead.  

To find out if nail surgery is the option best for you, please contact your friendly Feet First team:

Call 9319 3030 or book online 24/7


Celebrating Twenty Years

Feet First Podiatry is 20!

Feet First has steadily grown, from humble beginnings in the store room of Melville Plaza Medical Centre in 1998, to become a local landmark with a well earned reputation for service excellence, the go-to clinic for foot health problems for feet in Bicton, Melville, Palmyra, East Fremantle and surrounding suburbs. 

Founding practice principal Wes Huck said, “It’s been quite a ride and a real privilege to help people in Bicton, East Fremantle, Melville, Palmyra and surrounding neighbourhoods stay comfortable and pain free. I’ve been lucky to have terrific, talented people working with me and I am very grateful for such loyal, steadfast patients. We’ve even been around long enough now to be helping a second generation!  I am really chuffed when patients I treated as children or teenagers bring their own children in for help with flat feet, plantar warts and ingrown nails.  It’s wonderful to be so trusted.”

Celebrating Twenty Years 3

Feet First celebrate twenty years of foot health services in their local community.

One of the major milestones for Feet First has been moving into a sparkling new purpose built space, that’s warm and welcoming, light and bright with plenty of leg room. We now also have a beautiful children’s room that’s comfortable for families and loads of fun. At Feet First we want your little ones to enjoy their visit to the foot doctor. In our experience, when children are happy playing and exploring, it’s easier for our podiatrists to distinguish potential problems from normal development in little feet, ankles and knees. 

Visit us soon! Call 9319 3030 or book online 24/7

We’re moving back home

We’re moving soon! At the end of April we’re moving back to 359 Canning Highway, the beautiful ‘Butterfly House’ on corner of Weld Rd and Canning Highway.

For the last two years we’ve been in temporary rooms in Alfred Cove while our old home in Palmyra was rebuilt. Now we’re all super excited to be moving ‘home’ to our beautiful new practice at 359 Canning Highway Palmyra on the corner of Weld Rd.

Finishing touches and final work is being completed and the public artwork that was commissioned as part of the planning approval has been installed. Artist Danka Scholtz Von Loren collaborated with Marc Abonel to create an eye catching kaleidoscope of bright butterflies on the new building.

Artist Danka Scholtz Von Loren collaborated with Marc Abonel to create a beautiful artwork on the new building

Installing the art work

The butterflies are free!

The butterflies are free!

The move is a culmination of three years of planning and hard work. It has taken quite a bit longer than we anticipated and there have been a few hiccups along the way, but the whole Feet First team are looking forward to welcoming patients new and old through our new doors very soon. 

We’re in Alfred cove till Thursday 21st April. Then we close for one day on 22nd April while we saddle up the ponies and head back over the hill 4 kms to our beautiful new home. There’s easy access off Weld Rd, undercover parking and loads of leg room in our sparkling new rooms.

Nearly there now…

Self Help for Painful Ingrown Nails

First Aid Tips for Painful Ingrown Nails

If you have a painful ingrown nail, these simple steps may help ease the pain and inflammation before you see your podiatrist:

  • Dissolve a tablespoon or two of ordinary kitchen salt in an ice cream container of luke-warm water. Soak your sore toe for 5-10 minutes in this warm (not hot), salty water. You can repeat the soaking several times a day if you wish.
  • Next, pat the area gently dry and place a few drops of Betadine (or other antiseptic lotion such as Savlon) to the sore area and cover with a bandaid or other clean dressing.
  • Do not attempt to dig or cut out the ingrown nail yourself. This will make the irritation worse and increases your risk of infection.

Persistent pain should be checked by your doctor or podiatrist. If you still have pain after a day or two, you should seek help. Call our friendly team on 9319 3030 now…

New Beginnings for Feet First Podiatry

Demolition of the old Feet First Podiatry practice signals the end of an era and new beginnings for Feet First Podiatry family and friends. There were mixed feelings when Feet First principal Wes Huck, his wife Fern and parents in-law, Pat and John Darby said their last goodbyes to 359 Canning Highway Palmyra. Fern’s dad John practiced for twenty years as a G.P. in the converted home until 1995, so there are lots of shared memories about years past as well as excitement about the new building on the way.

Wes and Fern Huck and Fern's parents Dr John and Pat Darby, say a last goodbye to the old home that has provided medical and podiatry services to the local community for over 40 years.

Wes and Fern Huck and Fern’s parents Dr John and Pat Darby, say a last goodbye to the old home that has provided medical and podiatry services to the local community for over 40 years.

“We’ll be sad to see it go. It’s been part of our lives for so long. But we’re excited too because it will be following a dream we had to rebuild,” said Pat and John. “We’re looking forward to seeing the dream come alive”. Wes and the Feet First Podiatry team are excited too! Plans are afoot for a beautiful new practice that’s warm and welcoming, with plenty of leg room and facilities to write home about. The new practice will be emerging from the rubble soon, so watch that space on the corner of Weld Road and Canning Highway…

In the meantime, you can find us in lovely rooms at 571A Canning Highway, Alfred Cove. We’re up the driveway behind the hearing clinic. Feet First Podiatry offer specialist nail treatments for ingrown nails, laser nail treatment for fungal nails, nail surgery, bracing and restorations.


Are you a nail bar casualty?

Just lately we’ve had several young women come to us  in pain, distressed after having nail bar pedicures.

With their gift vouchers from well meaning friends, they went off for a nail buff and polish. However, after visiting the nail bar, their big toenails became swollen, sore and very painful. Even after several visits to their doctor and repeated courses of antibiotics, these women were having ongoing pain that meant they had trouble wearing shoes at work and even had trouble sleeping. One poor woman had been in pain on and off for several years after visiting a nail bar.

The happy ending to this story is that after podiatry treatments and minor nail surgery procedures all our nail bar casualties have healthy pain free feet again.

nail bar casualty

The main reasons to be cautious about visiting a nail bar:

• Incorrect nail trimming may cause ingrown nails and painful infections, even in young healthy adults.
• Sometimes people visit nail bars to have their nail problems (often caused by bacteria or fungus) hidden under lacquer. Unless the equipment is sterilised after each client you may pick up an infection.
• Diabetics should never use nail bars. Even a small abrasion injury or nick may result in a serious infection. People with diabetes should always seek assistance from a qualified health professional such as a nurse practitioner, diabetes health worker or podiatrist.

Please be cautious when you are considering visiting a nail bar. It’s safer to visit a podiatrist or pre-purchase an appointment as a gift, especially if you or your loved one has diabetes, circulation or other health problems. That way, you can be confident that any nail, skin or other foot health issues will be addressed safely. And you won’t have to hide your nails under lacquer any more!

Congratulations Fiona and Zoey

Cert IV Completed!

Congratulations to Zoey and Fi for the successful completion of their Cert IV in Allied Health Assisting. A year of study and steady nerves has culminated in both our amazing ‘Arch Angels’ receiving their awards just before Xmas.   We are very proud for our lovely ‘Arch Angels’ to have been given formal recognition of their skills and knowledge.  Fi, Zoey and Lynette assist our practitioners with patient care and make all our patients feels welcome and cared for.  Well done and congratulations Fi and Zoey!

Ingrown Toenail Treatment

Ingrown Toenail Treatment 4What are ingrown toenails?

OUCH!!! Ingrown toenails are caused by a spike of nail irritating and growing into the the soft tissue at the side of your toe. Your  toe becomes red, swollen and tender. If  infection takes hold, your ingrown nail becomes extremely painful, especially when it’s bumped or knocked. OOOOUCH!!

When you have a painful ingrown nail, you need effective gentle help. Call 93193030 or book online any time. We’re here to help you now…

Ingrown Toenail Treatment 5

Incorrect nail trimming, highly curved nails, some medication and badly fitted shoes can all cause ingrown nails. Football and netball players are very susceptible to ingrown nails.

People need help with ingrown nails for different reasons. Do any of these sound like you?

  • You’ve been managing a problem toenail yourself but suddenly your toe has become swollen and red, very painful to pressure and you’re having trouble wearing shoes for school or work.
  • You’ve been to your GP and had several courses of antibiotics for a painful infected ingrown nail. The antibiotics help settle the infection for a week or so and then the pain and swelling start again.
  • You’re keen to keep fit and a painful ingrown nail is interfering with training.
  • You have diabetes or circulation problems that means you are in a high risk category and need professional management of your nails.
  • Your nails are highly curved or very thick and tough and difficult to manage by yourself. Trimming your own nails is very tricky, time consuming and painful.

We’re all about improving lives with better foot health. Our podiatrists gently relieve ingrown nails every day. It’s what we’re here for, so call our friendly team now on 9319 3030 or book online any time. We are always happy to help.

Ingrown Toenail Treatment

We can help you with gentle pain relief now and we can help prevent your ingrown nail recurring. Depending on the cause of your ingrown nail and the possibility of your ingrown nail recurring we offer several solutions. Discuss which option suits you best with your podiatrist.

Non-surgical Treatments

Nail spike removal
Fast relief of ingrown nails! Painful ingrown nails can often be relieved by gently removing a spike of nail caused by incorrect nail cutting. Depending on your nail, this may only be needed once. For problem recurring ingrown nails, you may need ongoing management to keep your toenails comfortable or a minor surgical procedure to permanently solve your ingrown nail woes.

We help people with ingrown nails every day, so our practitioners are highly skilled in gently removing nail spikes and relieving your pain. We know how sensitive your ingrown nail can be and we make sure you are as comfortable as possible for all treatment options. If you’re not comfortable, let us know. We have several ways to help make treating your painful ingrown nail as easy as possible.

Nail glueing is a non-surgical method of fixing ingrown nails that gently pulls the edges of your nail up and away from the soft tissue at the sides of your toe. This takes several applications over a few months and is useful if you have chronic painful ingrown nails and surgery is not an appropriate medical option for you.

Surgical treatment

For really problematic, painful recurring ingrown nails, we offer a permanent solution. This is a minor surgical procedure with a local anaesthetic. The procedure takes about an hour (for one side of one toenail) and in almost all cases is a permanent solution (There is a small re-growth rate of less than 10%).

We understand needle shyness. That’s why we offer Penthrox, a self-administered pain relief, to reduce your pain and anxiety while we take care of your ingrown nail for good.

This is a minor procedure and you will be able to drive home afterwards (provided you have not used Penthrox). As long as you wear very roomy shoes you can walk, return to work and do most light household tasks straight away. We do recommend you have a peaceful day or two with your foot up to reduce swelling and the chance of someone stepping on your toe. It’s preferable for you to avoid high impact exercise or sport, the beach and public swimming pools for two to three weeks while initial healing takes place.

Don’t put up with Toenail Pain or Problems

Some people put up with painful ingrown nails for weeks or even months and have repeated courses of antibiotics. Antibiotics will settle an infection, but unless the piece of nail causing the inflammation is removed, your ingrown nail will keep recurring.

Ingrown Toenail Treatment 6

Don’t put up with ongoing pain. A gentle treatment  will relieve your pain straight away and often this is all that is needed. If your ingrown nail continues to cause problems, a simple, minor procedure will give you permanent relief.

Book an Appointment

Please call 08-9319-3030 or email: [email protected]. Alternatively, you can book an appointment online using the form below.

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Chilblain Alert!

It’s chilblain time! The cold, damp winter weather brings colds and sniffles for your nose, but also causes swollen, red, painful and itchy toes.

Chilblains are caused by changes in the small blood vessels of the skin especially on the tips of your fingers and toes. They can be very uncomfortable, causing extreme itching or burning that is difficult to relieve. Rarely, chilblains can develop into open wounds.

Nicotine, hormones and some hereditary factors make young or menopausal women and smokers vulnerable to chilblains.  If you have had chilblains in recent winters you need to take extra precautions this time of year to avoid a recurrence.

Here’s what you need to do…

  • Stop smoking!
  • Don’t toast your toes near a heater or fire. Wear warm socks or slippers instead.
  • Maintain the condition of your skin and moisturise your feet.
  • When outdoors, keep well wrapped up with long pants, thick socks, lambs wool shoe liners and a roomy, comfortable pair of walking shoes.

Remember… toast crumpets this winter NOT your toes!

Masters degree

Feet First principal recently received his Masters degree in Podiatric Medicine from U.W.A. Chancellor Michael Chaney A.O.

Wes is the first U.W.A graduate to be awarded the Degree of Master of Podiatric Medicine in a special year that marks the 100th anniversary of the University of Western Australia.

Bravo Wes!

Wes receives his Masters in Podiatric Medicine from U.W.A. Chancellor Michael Chaney

Wes receives his Masters in Podiatric Medicine from U.W.A. Chancellor Michael Chaney


Flat Feet in Children

Most people have an arch under their feet. This flexible bridge between the front of your foot and your heel acts as a kind of spring. Your arch gives your feet a high level of stability and flexibility and is important for shock absorption and distribution during walking, running and jumping.

flat feet in children may need attention

Children with flat feet may not complain of pain. However, flat feet may place additional strain on joints in your child’s feet, ankles, knees and hips that may make physical activity uncomfortable or tiring. A common problem for children with very flat feet is they tend to avoid sport and other physical ‘fun stuff’.

Persistent pain should always be investigated. However, even if your little one is not complaining of pain, growing feet should be checked especially if you notice your child:
• Is reluctant to participate in sport or physical activity
• Sits down unless encouraged to keep going
• Complains of ‘tired’ legs
• Wears shoes unevenly
• Has one foot turning in or out more than the other
• Trips or stumbles often
• Wakes at night regularly, crying with pain in knees, shins or feet

It’s a good idea to check with a practitioner who has skills and experience with child development. So call now if you have concerns about your little one’s feet. We’re always happy to help.

New Team Member

We’re excited to introduce our new podiatrist… Catherine Carland. Catherine has worked part time with us as our Saturday morning podiatry assistant for the last four years and graduated recently from UWA, so we’re delighted Catherine as chosen Feet First as her first professional position.

Catherine does own a cat… but please don’t hold that against her!  She assures us one day she will  find the perfect canine companion for her cat friend. In the meantime, Catherine is very keen to help you with your sensitive feet. Catherine is happy to help you with all your foot health concerns including corns, calluses, diabetic foot health care, orthotics and nail surgery. She’s available every week day, so call 9319 3030 now  for gentle, careful foot care.

New arrival!!

Feet First podiatrist, Jo Manning, is now the proud mum of lovely Layla. Born Wednesday 19th, a very healthy 3.2kgs. Both Jo and Layla doing well. Layla’s dad relieved and Layla’s ‘big’ sister excited. From everyone at Feet First Podiatry… Congratulations Jo and Shane and welcome to the world Layla!!

Steel Cap Boots… Look After Your Working Feet

Safety boots protect your feet and toes from chemical and electrical hazards, crush and puncture injuries and reduce your risk of slipping at work. However, unless you are careful with your choice of style and fit, steel cap and safety work boots can cause some foot problems.

Steel cap boots and painful feetEmployers sometimes issue standard safety boots that may not be suitable for your foot type. If you have very flat or highly arched feet you may be at risk of some painful foot problems. Inappropriate or poorly fitted work boots combined with long hours standing or walking can add to the strain on your feet.

And at the end of the day and on weekends you want to wind down with some sport, running or gym, so your feet take another pounding  and may end up with problems such as:

  • Ingrown nails
  • Blackened nails
  • Painful shins (shin splints)
  • Heel pain (Achilles tendinitis or plantar fasciitis)
  • Painful corns or callus
  • Knee pain
  • Metarasalgia or pain at the ball of your foot

If you need to be on your feet at work and you have foot pain, we can help. Our practitioners can help you with sensitive feet, painful knees, problem corns or callus, blackened or ingrown nails. We can help keep your feet comfortable with advice and treatments, nail surgery and prescription orthotics. And we’re happy to work with your employer to get you into the right pair of safety boots for your feet.

What’s the Right Way Cut Your Toe Nails?

Every day we see and treat toenails that have been trimmed incorrectly and have caused red, swollen and painful toes. So our podiatrists have asked us to give you the real deal on correct nail cutting.

Correct nail trimming tips

Some people think they’re doing the right thing when they cut a wedge into the middle or cut down the sides of their toenails. Some people think it’s OK to cut their nails with wire cutters or tin snips. And some people just tear their nails off with their hands or with pliers! Please don’t use these nail cutting techniques.

Correct foot care and hygiene will help keep you active and pain free in the long term. It’s a small thing, but knowing how to trim your nails properly can save you ongoing problems with pain, inflammation and infection.

So here are the golden rules:

  • Use good quality sharp, clean clippers with a straight cutting edge.
  • Cut straight across your nail.
  • Leave a millimetre or two free in front of your nail bed (the pink bit).
  • Gently smooth and round each corner with a file. Don’t file hard or down the sides… just smooth the sharpness off each corner.

That’s it! Simple.

If you have any pain, swelling, redness, blood or discharge from your toes, it’s best to for a podiatrist to check and help with your nails. If you have diabetes or circulation problems a podiatrist should trim your nails for you regularly. They’ll also check the nerve function and circulation in your feet and alert you and your doctor to any changes. If you have any concerns or questions about your toenails, please call 9319 3030. We’d love to help.

Your Feet at Work

Podiatrist For Painful FeetHow much time do you spend on your feet at work? Some occupations mean you have to stand or walk for long hours with little time to take the load off your feet.

Long hours on your feet increases your risk of foot problems. Standing or walking all day causes ligaments in your lower limbs to stretch, your foot flattens, your biomechanics alter and you begin to feel aches and pains… early warning signs that your feet are being stressed by long working hours and poorly fitting or inappropriate shoes.

Foot pain is not normal. If you need to be on your feet for ling hours at work and you have pain or discomfort in your feet, ankles or knees, you should have your feet checked before your foot problem may cause you to loose time at work. Fatigue, cramping, pain, burning, numbness and tingling in your feet, ankles, calves, shins or knees can be due to repetitive stress on your feet.

Give your feet break! Let them to carry you to your podiatrist for a check up. A little advice can stop your feet giving you grief at work. Finding the right work shoes or boots, stretching, strapping, therapeutic ultrasound, insoles or prescription orthotics can help fix  your foot problem and keep you comfortable and pain free at work…. so call 9319 3030 us now!

Warts and Corns… What are they and how are they treated?

You have a small, painful lump on your foot. Is it a wart or a corn?

Warts and corns look similar but need very different treatments. This is especially so if you have diabetes, as the wrong treatment of a wart or corn can cause an ulcer develop.

Warts occur when a virus (Human Papilloma Virus or HPV) invades your body through tiny cuts or breaks in your skin. Normally, antibodies in your blood destroy the virus, but sometimes the virus infects your skin cells and causes a wart.Plantar warts are simply warts that occur on the sole of your foot. Under pressure from standing and walking, plantar warts can become painful. There is no 100% guaranteed cure for warts. The best treatments will destroy the wart without causing damage to healthy tissue nearby. Usually warts need to be treated several time to make sure all the wart is destroyed.

Corns form in response to pressure and friction on a particular area on your foot. Excessive pressure may be from your shoes, from misalignment of the bones of your feet or from long periods of standing or walking. Pressure and friction cause the cells in your skin to clump and stick together to form a hard lump. Podiatrists can gently remove your painful corns and help prevent  recurrence with padding, insoles or orthotics. Since footwear is one of the most common causes of corns, your podiatrist may suggest a change in shoe style to help reduce painful corns. Corns cannot be removed permanently. They may take years to recur or just a few weeks, depending on your foot structure, your footwear and your activity level.

Remember… warts and corns are different and need different treatment, especially if you have diabetes. Podiatrists are foot care professionals  who diagnose, assess and treat warts and corns gently and effectively every day. If you think you have a wart or a corn, get safe effective pain relief today. Call now… 9319 3030.

Netball Injuries

85% of all netball injuries involve lower limbs. Knee pain, shin splints and Achilles tendonitis, sprains and falls.

High-octane sports like net ball mean players do lots of jumping, twisting and start stop actions. Landing after jumping to catch a ball results in forces several times your body weight. These high impact forces place lower limb joints under extra stress.

Net ball injuries are mainly caused by:

Bad landings

Poor landing technique can cause instability and sprains and falls. Sprains to ankle ligaments are a very common net ball injury and can mean extended periods of being side lined. The biomechanics of some feet makes sprains more likely.


Repetitive high impact forces can cause overuse injuries. Abnormal foot biomechanics can increase the likelihood of overuse injuries as joints, already working hard, are placed under additional stresses demands of high impact activity.

Seek help

Don’t play through or ignore pain in your feet, ankles, shins or knees. Pain indicates a problem that needs attention. Playing through pain can cause damage to your major weight bearing joints.

So, if you have lower limb pain during or after netball, call 9319 3030. Our practitioners are happy to help you with assessment, advice, pain relief, sports injury management and rehabilitation.

Feet First at Million Paws Walk

Feet First Podiatry team ‘Paw Professionals’ participated in this years RSPCA Million Paws Walk. The whole Feet First team turned out on the day with around 60,000 other RSPCA supporters. As well as  joining in the walk, we offered foot massage to Million Paws participants in exchange for donations to the RSPCA. Thanks to generous sponsors and supporters, Feet First Podiatry raised $1329 for the RSPCA. A howling success… WOOF!

Million Paws Walk

Feet First Podiatry is joining the 2012 Million Paws Walk in support of the RSPCA… with our furry friends of course! As well as walking to raise public awareness and precious funds for the RSPCA, Feet First Team ‘Paw Professionals’ will be offering foot massage for foot weary Million Paws participants Sorry dogs… your sore feet will have to find the vet tent.

You can help too… join the Feet First team ‘Paw Professionals’ and their furry friends on 20th May, sponsor the Feet First team or make a donation. All funds raised help support the RSPCA. To find out more visit or call Feet First Podiatry.

Are Thongs OK for Kids?

The West Australian newspaper recently published an article (14/4/12) about a study comparing of the effects of barefoot versus thong wearing in children. The article claims that wearing thongs may be beneficial for children compared to wearing shoes. This flies in the face of conventional advice and long standing professional opinion.

Feet First principal podiatrist Wes Huck says the study is interesting, but the sample size of seven children (not mentioned in the newspaper article) was too small to draw any useful conclusions. Wes says the study cannot be used to support thongs as a healthy choice of footwear for growing children.

Wes says thongs are convenient and OK for short periods but only for children with normal feet, who don’t need any support.

In-toeing or Pigeon Toes in Children

In-toeing (pigeon toes) is very common in children. You may be concerned about in-toeing, especially if your child trips or falls frequently. So what’s normal during your child’s development and when should you seek advice?

In-toeing is common in younger children

The most common cause of in-toeing is tight muscles and ligaments around the hips. In most cases this will self-correct without any treatment. As your child grows, hip ligaments and muscles stretch. By around 12 years old, most in-toeing will be replaced with normal gait patterns. Exercises to strengthen hip muscles and stretch tight ligaments can be very useful for these children. A few children will go on to have in-toeing as their normal adult gait.

Highly curved, banana or crescent shaped feet (Metatarsus adductus) is another cause of in-toeing. Treatment for Metatarsus adductus must be started before 1 year of age and is best started as early as possible (3 months). If you think your baby’s feet look curved, it’s important you seek advice from your podiatrist early.

Normally, the long leg bones twist inwards as children grow. Too much twist in the leg bones (Femoral antitorsion and Tibial torsion) is a very rare cause of in-toeing that may require corrective surgery if the twist is very significant.

In-toeing can also be a symptom of other problems with the hip joint, bone or muscles. Feet First principal, Wes Huck, recommends an assessment especially if:

  • you think your child’s in-toeing is getting worse
  • in-toeing is more noticeable on one side
  • your child has foot or leg pain with in-toeing

If you have any concerns about your child’s gait call 9319 3030 for an appointment.

These Boots Are Made for Working

If you need to be on your feet at work and especially if you wear heavy steel cap or safety boots, your feet may need some professional care. In some occupations you may be standing or walking for long hours on rough, hard or uneven surfaces, climbing up and down ladders carrying heavy loads and you may need to wear safety boots for occupational health and safety.

Top Tips for Comfort in Work Boots:

  • Wear quality footwear on the job. Choose work boots that have the required safety features for your work environment.
  • Take time choosing work boots. Try them on in the afternoon when your feet are at their largest.
  • Make sure there is at least a thumb width in front of your longest toe (not always your big toe!)
  • Choose boots that are roomy and wide. Your boots should be comfortable when you first put them on. Your toes should be able to wriggle freely inside the toe cap.
  • If your workplace supplies boots, you may need to request an alternative brand or style of boot, especially if you have a medical issue like diabetes or a foot type that may not be suited to the standard company boot.
  • Wear comfy joggers to and from work.
  • Move around if you can. Standing is much more stressful for feet than walking.
  • Put your feet up for 15 minutes or so to allow load bearing joints to recover.
  • Use anti-fatigue mats or insoles.
  • Wear quality socks and change them daily.
  • See your podiatrist if you have persistent foot pain

If your  feet feel ‘tired’, sensitive or painful at work, principal Feet First podiatrist, Wes Huck, recommends you have an assessment. At Feet First Podiatry, we treat hard working feet so you can get back to work in comfort.

Sensitive Feet

One of the most worrying problems many people have is sensitive or tender feet. If your feet are sensitive, walking or standing can be painful or difficult.

Some of the reasons your feet become sensitive include:

  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Corns and callus
  • Inflammation of the fat pad on the sole of your foot
  • Stress fractures
  • Joint pain
  • Tendonitis
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome
  • Moretons neuroma.
  • Chemotherapy

Whatever the cause, sensitive or tender feet can make walking or standing uncomfortable. If you have painful or sensitive feet your daily tasks at home or work become difficult. Feet First podiatrists are gentle experts in helping you with your sensitive feet. So don’t put up with sensitive or painful feet. Call 9319 3030 for relief Now.

Sex Appeal and High Heels

High heels are popular with some fashion conscious folk. But wearing high heels regularly will cost you physical pain and possible deformity. You see, human feet were simply not made for high heels.

Your feet are the foundation of your normally very stable musculoskeletal system. But high heels change the dynamics of your body balance and can cause pain and even deformity.

Normal alignment of your pelvis and spine is altered and your centre of gravity shifts, making you unstable. High heels also force your body weight through the front of your foot and increases the pressure of every step. High heels can:

Damage your toes

Contribute to neuromas and bursae

Sprain your ankles

Cause corns and calluses

Increase your likelihood or the severity of bunions

Cause osteoarthritis in your knees

Cause ingrown toenails

Strain your lower back

Increase your risk of slips, falls and other injuries

So Cinderella, save your high heels for the ball. Wear comfortable low heeled, roomy, broad toed shoes and set your feet and your smile free!

Foot Pain in Children

Children usually begin to walk some time between 10 to 18 months. Each child follows a developmental sequence from lying, rolling, sitting, crawling and standing through to walking, running, jumping skipping and hopping. Your child will develop through most stages in their own way but if you are concerned about the timing or progress of your child’s first steps, their gait or foot posture you should seek advice early.

Although pain in children’s legs and feet is common, it should not be considered normal. Persistent foot or leg pain in children or complaints of ‘tired’ legs should always be investigated.  For some foot health problems, early intervention is essential.

Feet First podiatrist Wes Huck has a special interest in children’s foot health and is happy to help with developmental assessments and advice.

Summer Foot Care

Summer is a wonderful time of year for celebrations, holidays, relaxing at the beach and by the pool… but your feet need special care at this time of year.

In warm weather you tend to wear open shoes or sandals. Sandals and thongs do not usually provide good support for your feet. In summer, when we wear open footwear more, some people suffer painful foot problems such as plantar fasciitis (heel spurs) and Achilles tendonitis, partly because of the open, unsupportive footwear they choose at this time of year.

Feet First stock a range of Orthaheel sandals and thongs with moulded footbeds to provide support and help relieve your foot pain. They are useful for temporary relief and for minor foot disorders. They are also helpful for people who need to wear prescription orthotics, but want a quick, slip on for around the house or garden.

Cracked Heels

Look out for cracked heels this summer.

In warm weather, we tend to wear open shoes or sandals. This can lead to drying of your skin, especially your heels where the skin is thicker. Cracks can form in the thick skin on your soles and the backs of your heels. Placed under pressure when you walk or stand, these cracks can split and cause pain and bleeding. Splits can be a site for infection and are potentially dangerous for people with diabetes.

So if your heels crack up this summer… bring them in to Feet First for help.

Foot Pain in Children

Children usually begin to walk some time between 10 to 18 months. Each child follows a developmental sequence from lying, rolling, sitting, crawling and standing through to walking, running, jumping skipping and hopping.

Your child will develop through most stages in their own way but if you are concerned about the timing or progress of your child’s first steps, their gait or foot posture, senior Feet First podiatrist Wes Huck has a wealth of experience to assist you with developmental assessments and advice.

Although pain in children’s legs and feet is common, it should not be considered normal. Persistent foot or leg pain in children should always be investigated.

Relief for Heel Pain

Heel pain is a common overuse injury caused by inflammation when your feet are placed under too much strain. A normal foot can become painful doing additional work such as standing, climbing or walking for long periods. However, if you have excessively flat feet or very high arches, your feet may be under excessive stress even with normal activities.

Rest, ice, anti-inflammatory medication, therapeutic ultrasound, stretches, change of footwear and prescription orthotics are some of the advice and treatment your podiatrist will suggest to help relieve your foot pain.

Any persistent pain should be investigated

Any persistent pain should be investigated to ensure no long term damage to your feet or further complications.

To book an appointment or learn more about heel pain treatment, call us during business hours on 08-9319-3030

You can also book an appointment online 24/7 through the form below.

Book an appointment online 24/7

The Feet First Family

You can book your appointment online by following the prompts in the box below. When you complete your booking, you’ll receive an email with your booking details. At this stage, you have a confirmed booking; the same as if you had called the practice and made an appointment.

We may call you to verify your personal details and to give you more information about the appointment.

If you cannot make your scheduled appointment time, please call the practice immediately to reschedule.

Orthotics… what are they and who needs them?

Orthotics are prescription supports for your feet dispensed by your podiatrist. They are sometimes called arch supports, shoe inserts or insoles.

Orthotics correct your foot alignment and improve your foot function. One quarter of all the bones in your body are in your feet and every day these bones are impacted by up to 2.5 million kilograms. With that kind of daily wear and tear on your feet, it’s not surprising that 70% of Australians seek treatment and advice for foot problems such as heel pain, sore feet, aching ankles, tired calves and sore shins. Orthotics correct your foot alignment and reduced wear and tear on your feet, ankles and lower limbs.

Orthotics prescribed by your podiatrist are safe for any age. Toddlers, teenagers adults and older folk may all need orthotics at some time. Some people need orthotics temporarily or for particular activities. Others may need to wear orthotics for the long term.

Children and teenagers may need  orthotics during growth spurts or periods of rapid developmental change. If you participate in high impact sport or exercise, you may need orthotics for these activities.

If  your work means you are on your feet all day standing, walking, carrying, climbing ladders or stairs, prescription orthotics will help keep you comfortable while you are working. prescription orthotics may be needed for women as hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause affect changes in tendons and ligaments of your feet. Some foot problems become painful with age and then prescription orthotics are helpful for maintaining pain free, comfortable feet for a healthy, active life.

Footwear for Kids…

When should kids start wearing shoes and what kind of shoe is best?

Your child’s first steps are one of their big developmental milestones. But when should you put shoes on your children’s feet and what kind of shoes should they be?

Kids need shoes… and bare feet too!

Before your children start to walk, there is no good reason for them to wear shoes. Bare feet in warmer weather and soft, warm socks or booties with plenty of room for toe wiggling is all that is needed in cooler weather.

Once your child starts to walk though, there is the possibility of injury from hard, rough, sharp, very cold or very hot surfaces. Your toddler’s first shoes should protect them from potential injury. But remember that bare feet are best for sensory and muscle development. Toddlers need plenty of bare foot time on soft safe surfaces indoors and outdoors on grass and sand for sensory development and balance.

What kind of shoe is best?

Shoes for children should have soft uppers, preferably natural material such as fabric or leather. The sole should bend easily at the toe joints. The heel cup and the shank (under the arch) should be firm. Fastenings should be adjustable such as Velcro, buckles or laces. Some kids may need specialist shoes and their needs are best discussed with your podiatrist.

Winter Sports

Netball, football, soccer, hockey… High impact sport is fast and fun.

But jumping, twisting and stop-start actions create big stresses on your lower limb joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons.  Foot, ankle and knee injuries are the most common sports injuries and many of these can be prevented with proper warm ups and warm downs, good footwear and correct jumping technique.

Repetitive high impact forces can cause over-use injuries such as heel pain (plantar fasciitis), shin splints, knee pain or Achilles tendinitis. This is especially so for growing children and teenagers or if you have an underlying biomechanical problem.

What to do to keep pain free and in the game this season:

Warm up

Stretch before every practice and game

Gear up

Choose sports shoes with a firm midsole. Spongy, soft soles shoes can increase your instability and risk of injury.

Change sports shoes regularly as the shock absorption is lost with wear. You probably need new sport shoes at least each season or more if you play more than one sport or wear your shoes for other activities like running.

Wear your prescription orthotics for practice and games

Land well

Practice correct landing from jumps. Land on both feet with your weight going through the centre of your ankle and onto the ball of your foot. Flex your ankles, knees and hips to cushion you from high impact on landing.

Warm down

Stretch after every practice and game

Seek help for injury or pain

Your podiatrist will assist in identifying the cause of your pain and help with rehabilitation and prevention of further injury.  DON’T play through pain!

Whatever your passion for fun and fitness this winter… remember to look after your feet.

Feet Are Sensitive Soles…

Podiatrist for Sensitive Feet

Each of your feet has around 7,000 nerve endings.

In fact the brain power needed to process all the sensory information from your feet uses more of your sensory cortex than your entire torso.

That means your feet are extremely sensitive to touch, pressure, temperature and pain.

That’s why when you stub your toe, step on something sharp or have an ingrown toenail it really, really HURTS!